If you are in London this is well worth attending:
Tuesday December 16th 2014 (doors open 6.30 for 7p.m.)
Ruth O’Callaghan presents
Jan Fortune
Launching her new collection
Slate Voices
Adam Craig
Poets from the floor very welcome.
Please leave the poem you read to be considered for the next anthology.
LUMEN 88 Tavistock Place W.C.1
Tubes: Russell Square , Kings Cross, St Pancras. Entrance £5/£4 WINE
Camden/Lumen Competition: Judge George Szirtses. Prize: 50 perfect bound copies of your poems. Closing date 14th February 2015. Fee: £2.50 per poem or 6 poems £10. Cheques made out to Caris Camden and sent to Ruth O’Callaghan, 49 Ripley Gardens, Mortlake, London SW14 8HF or see WardWood website.